• Shift Your Mindset

    Shift your mindset away from just top line revenue and annual income to long term value creation.

  • Grow Value

    Grow the value of your business by increasing EBITDA, increasing your multiple and paying down debt

  • Create Options

    Increase the chances you get what you want from your business by owning a valuable business that has sustainable, predictable and transferable cash flow.

Knowledge is Power

The 5 Intentional Growth™ Principles

The 5 Principles packages up in one place what you need to learn in order to grow the value of your business with an end in mind. No more wasted time and money implementing the wrong strategies, working with the wrong advisors or making the wrong decisions. Invest in your education so you can gain clarity on what is important and control the plan that leads to more choices.
The 5 Intentional Growth™ Principles

Course curriculum

36 videos, 5+ hours and dozens of supporting exercises based on the two day Intentional Growth™ Boot Camp

  • 1
  • 2

    Principle #1 - Your Drivers (24 Minutes Total)

    • Overview of 'Your Drivers' and Vision Wheel

    • The Intentional Growth™ Assessment

    • Identifying Your Stakeholders & What You Want for Them Long-Term

    • Principle #1 Wrap Up // Vision Board

    • Podcasts Related to Principle #1 - Your Drivers (SUPPLEMENTAL & OPTIONAL MATERIAL)

  • 3

    Principle #2 - Financial Targets (1 Hour and 23 Minutes Total)

    • Overview of the Three Financial Targets 1.) Target Income 2.) Net Worth 3.) Business Valuation

    • Enterprise vs Equity Value

    • Intrinsic (Financial) vs. Transaction (Strategic) Valuation & Methods to Value a Business

    • EBITDA and Normalized EBITDA

    • Multiples of EBITDA and WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)

    • Company Specific Risk and Long Term Value Creation

    • Case Studies - WACC and Enterprise vs Equity

    • Case Studies - Financial Targets and Net Proceeds

    • Asset vs Stock Sale and Typical Deal Structures

    • Net Proceeds Calculation and Case Study Examples

    • Principle #2 Wrap Up // Vision Board

    • Podcasts Related to Principles #2 - Financial Targets (SUPPLEMENTAL & OPTIONAL MATERIAL)

  • 4

    Principle #3 - Exit Options (1 Hour and 38 Minutes Total)

    • The 5 Exit Options and the Difference Between Your Ownership / Management Roles

    • Exit Option #1 - Internal Transfer / Buyout

    • Exit Option #2 - Acquisition Entrepreneur

    • Exit Option #3 - ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan)

    • Exit Option #4 - Private Equity Firms

    • Exit Option #5 - Strategic Buyers

    • Exit Options Attribute Comparison Chart

    • Principle #3 Wrap Up // Vision Board

    • Podcasts Related to Principle #3 - Exit Options (SUPPLEMENTAL & OPTIONAL MATERIAL)

  • 5

    Principle #4 - Increase Value (1 Hour and 57 Minutes Total)

    • Creating Sustainable, Predictable and Transferable Cash Flow

    • The 8 Value Drivers (Functional Areas) of a Business

    • Value Driver #1 - Strategic Planning

    • Value Driver #2 - Timely, Accurate and Useful Financials

    • Value Driver #2 [A] - The 3 Financials Statements

    • Value Driver #2 [B] - Tying all 3 Financial Statements Together

    • Value Driver #2 [C] - Using the Income Statement to Calculate EBITDA and Enterprise Value

    • Value Driver #2 [D] - Trailing 12 Months (TTM)

    • Value Driver #2 [E] - Annual Budget

    • Value Driver #2 [F] - Outyear Projections

    • Value Driver #2 [G] Value Growth Projections // Vale GAP Analysis

    • Intentional Growth™ Financial Assessment (based on the financial foundation videos)

    • Value Driver #3 - Sales & Marketing

    • Principle #4 Wrap Up // Vision Board

    • Podcasts Related to Principle #4 - Increase Value (SUPPLEMENTAL & OPTIONAL MATERIAL)

  • 6

    Principle #5 - Team of Advisors (31 Minutes Total)

    • Building the Team, Areas of Expertise and Levels of Advice

    • The Difference Between Investment Bankers, Brokers and the Process of Selling to a 3rd Party

    • Principle #5 Wrap Up // Vision Board

    • Podcasts Related to Principle #5 - Team of Advisors (SUPPLEMENTAL & OPTIONAL MATERIAL)

  • 7

    Intentional Growth™ Framework // Next Steps

    • Intentional Growth™ Training Wrap Up and Next Steps

    • Next Steps // Intentional Growth™ Phase 2 // Fractional CFO Services Discovery Call

Watch Intro Video


The 3 Reasons You Should Sign Up

  • Whether you want to acquire, sell or just grow a valuable business, you'll learn what you need to know about business valuations, deal structures and how to calculate net proceeds.

  • Learn how to create a strategic plan that identifies where you should invest your time, energy and money in the business and how to align it with a target EBITDA and valuation.

  • Learn about the 5 major exit options (Internal, Search Funds, ESOPs, Private Equity and Strategic Buyers) so you can be ready to transition your management role or exit your ownership whenever you are ready

Net Proceeds Calculator (included)

Downloadable Excel Template

Business owners often hear others talk about what they sold their business for. But that’s often the “top line” number – and not what goes in the owner’s bank account. Pat & Ryan break down in the net proceeds model what a business owner would put in the bank account when they sell. It builds in assumptions for taxes, deal structures and then has a sliding scale of multiples so you can see how the proceeds fit into your financial targets.
Net Proceeds Calculator

Supporting Exercises & Resources (included)

Intentional Growth™ Assessment, Value Growth Exercise and More

The course comes with supporting exercises that you can fill out on your own while you go through the videos. Here are just a few: Intentional Growth™ Assessment, Vision Wheel, Financial Targets Template, Normalized EBITDA, Value Growth Exercise plus many more.
Get Started

Arkona is Trusted By:

Don't just take our word for it

“After going through the course I realized that 70% of the things we were working on in the business for the last few years were not creating long term value. I now have a clear EBITDA and valuation we are woking toward and have strategies in place to make sure we are able to have the freedom of choices to do what we want with the business. that creating valuable companies that created generational wealth and freedom.”

Jim Fritz - CEO Kennedy Blue & The Wedding Shoppe

“During and after attending the boot camp, we clearly understood that our organization was not focused on the right things. Now we have a strategic plan to focus our team on increasing the value of the company through business diversification, process documentation and working on employee development. This will help our owners have a multitude of options that will help them meet their individual personal and financial goals when planning the eventual business transition.”

Dave Girouard - CFO of Rack Processing

“I am an avid learning and I'm always looking for the best information and strategies to work on for our companies. Since going through the Intentional Growth™ we've streamlined our corporate structure and cleaned up our financials so we can continue to grow in the right way (value) and be ready to acquire or sell whenever the opportunities arises. ”

Ryan Blundell - CEO of Master Technology Group


Ryan & Pat give you the best information you need to intentionally grow the value of your company with an end in mind based on their extensive experience in mergers & acquisitions and decades of running multimillion-dollar companies.

Ryan Tansom


Ryan Tansom helped turn around his struggling family business and then sell it for eight-figures. Since then, he’s dedicated his career to helping entrepreneurs grow and exit their businesses. In addition to Arkona, Ryan is a serial entrepreneur and hosts the popular podcast Life After Business and delivers frequent keynotes. After thousands of meetings and hundreds of podcast interviews, he has his finger on the pulse of the market like few others.


  • Do I get my money back if I don't like the material?

    Absolutely. We only ask that you schedule a call with us to give us your feedback about why and what we could have done differently in order to make you feel like you got the value you were looking for.

  • What materials are included in the course?

    - 36 videos with both instructors - Downloadable exercises - Net proceeds excel template - Value growth exercise - 30 minute consulting call at the end of the course

  • Are the resources and tools downloadable?

    Yes, we make all the materials that are referenced in the course downloadable to their native format.

  • Do we get access to the instructors?

    The course comes with one complimentary 30 minute consulting call to review your vision board at the end and discuss any topics you may have questions on.

Pricing & Package Options

Go through the course at your own pace or hire us to guide you though it in 30 days over four 60-minute calls.